  • HFC Reclamation
  • Bowling Green, Ohio
  • United States of America
Project Details
Registry Name
  • American Carbon Registry
Registry Link
  • -

HFC Reclamation

A-Gas V10

The A-Gas voluntary emission reduction project was undertaken to encourage the recovery of used HFCs and to avoid the production of virgin HFCs and their associated emissions.

The project consists of the reclamation and reuse of HFC-125 and HFC-227ea from fire suppression systems. According to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report, HFC-125 and HFC-227ea have Global Warming Potential (GWP) values of 3,170 and 3,350 relative to CO2. These used HFCs came from fire suppression systems being decommissioned, serviced or retrofitted. Notable types of businesses using HFC-125 and 227-ea systems: Industrial Plants, Laboratories, Museums, Data Centers, Historical Structures & Archives, Communication Facilities, Ships, Banks. Fugitive emissions of virgin HFC material occurs in the baseline scenario during fire suppression system use, maintenance, and end-of-life. The release of these HFCs into the environment contributes to climate change. This project ensures that emission reductions occur from the reclamation and reuse of existing HFC material. These reclamation activities are real and were performed in accordance with an approved American Carbon Registry methodology to produce verifiable evidence of emissions mitigation. An independent, third party assessment was performed by First Environment Inc. They are an ANAB accredited and ACR approved Validation and Verification Body. It has been determined that this project is in conformance with the requirements of the American Carbon Registry Validation and Verification Standard. The independent VVB report maintains that this project satisfies the eligibility requirements of being Real & Additional as specified by the American Carbon Registry Standard and does not contain risk of emission reduction reversal.


USD(Cents) 0.49 per kg

Serial number
Applicable tax rate 0 %
Availability 24,999,990.00 kg(s)