  • Improved Agricultural Land Management
  • Copenhagen,
  • Denmark
Project Details
Registry Name
  • Verra
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Improved Agricultural Land Management

AgreenaCarbon Project

Helping farmers transition to Regenerative Agriculture. Removal & reduction. Spanning over 17 European countries Increasing SOC, soil fertility, biodiversity & micro-hydrology.

##### Project Highlights - The Project helps farmers achieve on-farm carbon removals by applying sustainable agricultural land management practices. - Regenerative agriculture improves soil fertility and enhances the storage of soil organic carbon. The amount of emissions-intensive synthetic fertilizers can also be reduced from regenerative agricultural practices. - The Project operates a carbon payment programme, which provides farmers with a financial incentive to change existing agricultural practices. ##### The Methodology Improved Agricultural Land Management projects incentivize a variety of improved practices, including improved fertilizer use, reduced tillage, crop rotations, and rotational grazing. These practices enhance carbon in the soil and reduce methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Additionally, these projects can affect improved soil health, erosion reduction, and improved economic revenue for farmers involved. ##### Project Background The AgreenaCarbon Project aims to remove and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the implementation of activities that are central principles of regenerative agriculture. The Project intends to assist farmers in transitioning to regenerative agriculture by applying sustainable Agricultural Land Management (ALM) practices. This approach helps farmers maintain yields while ensuring the long-term viability of their farms and land. Regenerative agriculture describes holistic farming practices that improve soil fertility and enhance the storage of soil organic carbon (SOC). It focuses on the regeneration of living soil, improved micro hydrology, and conserving biodiversity at all levels while enhancing inputs use-efficiency and ecosystem services. The AgreenaCarbon Project assists farmers in the transition from conventional, intensive farming practices to those that avoid soil disturbances and increase the use of organic soil amendments, all while reducing the reliance on synthetic fertilizers. A key element of these practices is reducing tillage to minimize soil disturbance, with the addition of other activities forming a combined suite of actions that contribute to soil fertility. The Project facilitates this transition through a carbon payment program, which provides economic incentives for changing existing agricultural practices, referred to as project activities. This program operates across Europe and primarily focuses on temperate climates.


USD(Cents) 5.75 per kg

Serial number --
Applicable tax rate 0 %
Availability 14,999,801.00 kg(s)