  • Biochar
  • Granada,
  • Spain
Project Details
Registry Name
  • Puro
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Biochar - Regeneration in Spain's Olive groves

Amata Green will be building a Biochar production facility in Spain, the Heart of Olive Country, using olive mill waste and creating a circular economy for the olive industry.

THIS PROJECT IS READY TO BEGIN CONSTRUCTION. WITH YOUR DEDICATED PURCHASE, WE CAN LAUNCH THE PROJECT AND BEGIN SINKING CARBON. Permanent Co2 Removal And Simultaneous Implementation Of Circular Economy. Organic biomass like plants/trees contain carbon that has been stored in the plant. When that plant decays it releases that carbon (and other gasses) back into the world. Pyrolysis of the biomass interrupts this cycle. Pyrolysis binds the plant's carbon molecules tightly and locks them into a stable form called biochar. Biochar remains stable for up to a thousand years. This is why biochar is considered an excellent carbon sink. Additionally, our facility will only process biomass that is sustainably sourced, or considered waste from another industry. SCALING PLAN: Amata Green will be building a Biochar Production Facility in Spain, the Heart of Olive Country for the world. This facility will process discarded waste from the olive growers and mills, and turn it into biochar through pyrolysis. This facility, at PILOT SCALE will produce (at least) 10,000 tons of carbon credits annually, but after a year will double production, producing (at least) 20,000 carbon credits. In the coming years, Amata Green will add 5 more equivalent facilities. In the end, these 6 facilities together will produce a minimum of 120,000 tons of carbon credits annually! The region of Spain in which the facilities will be located, consists of small villages that are economically depressed areas where the largest industry is olive farming and olive oil production. The olive industry currently composts or burns in open air, its waste biomass. These are unsustainable practices, causing a rise in CO2 emissions, methane emissions and air pollution. Moreover, depleted soils, aquifer drain, erosion and nutrient leaching plague the farming communities. It is Amata Green’s desire to assist the province in implementing a circular economy by taking this waste biomass and transforming it into a valuable product which can then be put back into the soils to complete the cycle. Not only will this divert the waste biomass from being burned or rotting (avoided emissions), but the resultant biochar placed in the soil will help to bring life back to soils, reduce heat stress to the trees, allow aquifer recharge, help landscapes resist erosion, while also avoiding nutrient leaching (additional benefits). Our facilities will also bring jobs, income, and economic diversity to these small villages.


USD(Cents) 28.75 per kg

Serial number
Applicable tax rate 0 %
Availability 899,911.00 kg(s)