  • Avoided Deforestation
  • , Central Kalimantan
  • Indonesia
Project Details
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  • Verra
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  • A - BeZero Carbon Rating

Avoided Deforestation

Katingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation Project

The Katingan Restoration and Conservation Project (‘The Katingan Project’) protects and restores 149,800 hectares of peatland ecosystems.

Tropical peatlands support fundamental ecological functions and store massive amounts of carbon, with stocks below the ground making up up to 20 times the amount stored in trees and vegetation. When cleared, drained and burned to make way for plantations and other developments, this carbon is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2) along with other greenhouse gases (GHG). Indonesian Borneo, known as Kalimantan, encompasses approximately 5.7 million hectares (ha) of peatland [1]. By 2020, the expansion of industrial plantations on peatlands in Kalimantan alone is estimated to contribute to 18–22% of Indonesia’s total GHG emissions [2]. The Katingan Peatland Restoration and Conservation Project (‘The Katingan Project’) seeks to protect and restore 149,800 hectares of peatland ecosystems, to offer local people sustainable sources of income, and to tackle global climate change – all based on a solid business model. The project lies within the districts of Katingan and Kotawaringin Timur in Central Kalimantan Province, and covers one of the largest remaining intact peat swamp forests in Indonesia. The area stores vast amounts of CO2, and plays a vital role in stabilizing water flows, preventing devastating peat fires, enriching soil nutrients and providing clean water. It is rich in biodiversity, being home to large populations of many high conservation value species, including some of the world’s most endangered; such as the Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) and Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus). It is surrounded by villages for which it supports traditional livelihoods including farming, fishing, and non-timber forest products harvesting. The project area is located entirely within state-designated production forest. Without the project, the area would be converted to fast-growing industrial timber plantations, grown for pulpwood. The Katingan Project prevents this fate by having obtained full legal control of the production forest area through an Ecosystem Restoration Concession license (ERC; Minister of Forestry Decree SK 734/Menhut-II/2013), blocking the applications of plantation companies. The Katingan Project implements a variety of activities through a holistic approach in order to achieve its objectives (see Sub-section 1.1.2). All activities are implemented with a full consideration of internationally credible science and standards, conservation priorities, Indonesian laws and regulations, land tenure, socio-economic needs, and community consultation based on free, prior and informed consent principles. The Katingan Project is performance-based, and at its core, is financed by its achieved GHG emission reductions and sequestrations against a baseline scenario during the initial crediting period of 60 years. Through the planned activities described in Sub-section 2.2.1, the project is expected to reduce an average of 7,451,846 tons of GHG emissions annually during the initial 60 year crediting period. The Katingan Project is managed by the Indonesian company PT. Rimba Makmur Utama and is designed to ensure that all benefits are real, long-lasting, and passed on to local communities, the region, and to the wider State of Indonesia in which it operates. The Katingan Project aims to bring positive change over the next 60 years by conserving the integrity of remaining peat swamp forest, and by playing a crucial role for Indonesia as it sets out to fulfil its emission reduction commitments in the years ahead.


USD(Cents) 1.11 per kg

Serial number 12730-429961537 through 12730-429962686
Applicable tax rate 0 %
Availability 615,623.00 kg(s)