  • Seaweed Sinking
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  • Antigua and Barbuda
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Seaweed Sinking

Seaweed Generation AlgaRay Sargassum Sinking

Seaweed Generation's AlgaRay uses solar powered autonomous robots to sink Sargassum (a CO2 absorbing problematic seaweed) to >4000m, sequestering carbon in the deep ocean.

Seaweeds are a highly evolved organism, more effective at removing CO2 than trees. They grow photosynthetically in our oceans without the application of artificial fertilisers or freshwater, exerting no pressure on land resources. Seaweed Generation offers the simplest possible process for seaweed based Carbon Dioxide Removal. The method involves the displacement of problematic Sargassum using solar powered robotic technologies to sink the seaweed into the deep ocean. If seaweed is sent to depths of 2000m or more, the carbon it has naturally absorbed is removed from the surface carbon cycle for 100s of years (H. Herzog, et al RESOURCES/ Carbon Sequestration via Direct Injection 2001). Seaweed material which becomes incorporated into the seabed and sedimented will be sequestered indefinitely on geological timescales (Baker, C. A., et al, Biological carbon pump sequestration efficiency in the North Atlantic: A leaky or a long-term sink? 2022). SeaGen’s AlgaRay robot has been designed with automation and rapid scalability in mind. Travelling at around 3knts, it takes less than 1 minute to fill with Sargassum. Once full, the AlgaRay drops to 200m (Sargassum becomes negatively buoyant at 135m), releases the biomass, and returns to the surface to refill. The whole sequence is captured on video and bundled with biomass measurement, timedate and GPS data for reporting purposes. Seaweed Generation has permission to operate in the EEZ of Antigua & Barbuda with areas selected for ocean depth, absence of upwellings and proximity to coasts. - **Project location:** Antigua - **Project duration:** 5 years (2024-2029) - **Project volume:** 27,000 tCO2e - **Certifier:** Pending with C-Capsule and Gold Standard - **Alignment with SDG’s:** - Reduced inequalities (10) - Responsible consumption and production (12) - Climate action (13) - Life below water (14). ###### **Project Background** Seaweed Generation are pioneers in marine robotics, focused on long term ocean CDR with macroalgae. An experienced team of technologists, scientists and seaweed enthusiasts, they believe that nature and technology can be brought together to create a more sustainable and equitable future for all. The team is supported and guided by a Science Advisory Board with a wealth of experience in mapping, oceanography, air-sea gas exchange, deep ocean ecology, deep ocean monitoring and ecological monitoring. ###### **Project Co-benefits** For over a decade Sargassum inundations in the Gulf of Mexico have caused environmental, social and economic disruption across the Caribbean and Mexican region. Solving this problem was the fundamental inspiration for the creation of Seaweed Generation as a CDR company. As such, the co-benefits of SeaGen’s approach are substantial. Whilst sales are in units of CO2e, the physical removal is actually Sargassum biomass which equates to around 6.8 wet tonnes of material per 1 tonne of CO2e. The co-benefits of this removal are: Ecosystem protection: Studies of Sargassum in shallow areas have shown waters to have higher temperatures and lower oxygen concentrations, a dangerous mix for some marine species. Negative impacts have already been recorded on coral reefs, mangroves and seagrass beds in the region as a result of coastal inundations and the subsequent rotting biomass. Turtle nesting beaches are also impacted with the adults and hatchlings alike struggling to navigate around huge piles of seaweed. Social equity and justice: Sargassum beachings are a massive scale environmental disaster for the local populations of West Africa, the Caribbean and Mexico. More often than not, these communities are reliant on tourism or fishing income, both of which are being negatively affected by these influxes. There’s been significant media coverage of the Sargassum inundations hitting Florida this year. It is the affluence of the region that has ensured the issue is being highlighted, but for many communities who have been suffering for years, there’s been little interest in their continued battle. The economic impact to these communities is huge.


USD(Cents) 20.12 per kg

Serial number
Applicable tax rate 0 %
Availability 399,890.00 kg(s)