  • Reforestation or Afforestation
  • Santo Tomas, Chontales, Nicaragua,
  • Nicaragua
Project Details
Registry Name
  • Gold Standard
Registry Link
  • -

Reforestation or Afforestation

The Nicaforest High Impact Reforestation Program - Reforestation Program in the SouthEastern Region of Nicaragua on degraded pastureland

Nicaforest manages 450 hectares of forested area, achieving carbon removal on land that serves as crucial habitat for a wide range of animal and plant species

--- ##### Project Highlights - Close to 400 000 teak trees have been planted by the project, removing 98,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide - Plays a vital role in conserving biodiversity and provides a crucial habitat for a wide range of animals and plants - Carbon investments in this project directly impact farmers. The Shared Benefit Scheme allows farmers to access carbon and timber markets as an economically viable alternative to cattle ranching *The project is certified under Gold Standard GS4GG, which recognizes its impacts in food security, quality education, and gender equity ##### The Methodology Afforestation and reforestation involve the planting of forests on lands and guarantee the sequestration of carbon for up to 100 years. Forests are an effective carbon sink that also allow for biodiversity conservation, air quality improvement, and soil improvement. ##### Project Background The Nicaforest Reforestation Program offers high quality removal carbon removal credits in combination with multiple environmental and social impacts. Nicaragua, the second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, has faced significant challenges due to deforestation. This has led to the loss of biodiversity, the extinction of animal species, soil erosion, and climate change. Poverty has resulted in a lack of decent work, quality education, and, in some cases, deprived people of the opportunity to lead a healthy life. With limited resources, restoring the natural environment and creating a healthy, sustainable community is a challenging endeavor. The Nicaforest Program manages 450 hectares of land and aims to contribute to the creation of a sustainable value-chain by working closely with local landowners in a Shared Benefit Scheme. The program plants teak and other valuable species for future timber production and added-value wood production, along with other measures aimed at increasing resilience in the local municipalities.


USD(Cents) 5.98 per kg

Serial number GS1-1-NI-GS4220-22-2018-24331-1450-1808
Applicable tax rate 0 %
Provider The Nicaforest High Impact Reforestation Program
Availability 398,927.00 kg(s)