  • Reforestation or Afforestation
  • Mayuge, Eastern Region
  • Uganda
Project Details
Registry Name
  • Verra
Registry Link
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Reforestation or Afforestation

Bukaleba Forest Project

The Bukaleba Forest Project fights against climate change and deforestation through the reforestation of 5,000 hectares of degraded shrub and grassland along Lake Victoria.

*The Bukaleba Forest Project (BFP) credits were issued in a bundled verification period. All credits will have a vintage of 2016-2020.* BFP is managed by Busoga Forestry Company (BFC)—a subsidiary of Green Resources AS of Norway—in line with the highest corporate, social, and environmental standards, including the responsible forest management principals stipulated by FSC C106074 and the ISO-certified Integrated Management System. BFC seeks to establish and sustainably manage forest plantations for producing high quality wood products. In addition, BFP sequesters carbon dioxide through forest planting, generating high quality emission reductions in greenhouse gases (GHG) that can be measured, monitored and verified. The project participants strive to demonstrate that carbon sequestration from forest plantations is a viable instrument to encourage private investment in the forestry sector, especially on degraded lands. The project's activities support 17 villages, covering more than 5,000 households and providing direct and indirect employment to more than 600 people. BFC was established in 1996 with registration number 31967, and Uganda Investment Authority License number ASD/254/42101. BFP was first registered with Verra in 2004, and has previously issued 287,661 VCS credits over two rounds of certification. In a baseline scenario, subsistence agriculture, fuel wood collection, charcoal production and grazing activities lead to deforestation of natural forest in the region. Further, frequent anthropogenic fires increase the degraded grassland areas. Natural Forest, riparian habitats, rivers and wetlands occupy a significant portion of the landscape and are estimated to be about 50% of the areas. These sites are treated as conservation areas due to their high biodiversity and will thus not be planted. Regarding co benefits, the project implementation also promotes environmental conservation such as soil conservation, protection of water sources and enhancement of biodiversity through the protection and management of existing indigenous flora and fauna and where possible enrichment planting with indigenous tree species. Moreover, it facilitates socio economic development of the local communities through: (a) promotion of tree planting/afforestation activities in the local communities; (b) provision of employment opportunities; (c) support for development initiatives for the communities through the sale of carbon credits; (d) establishing of community woodlots in the villages around BFP on community owned land, with the objective of increasing fuel and timber supply within the communities; and (e) designating at least 10% of the carbon revenues generated by the project to community development initiatives in the villages surrounding BFP. BFP’s initiatives are aligned with Uganda’s Vision 2040 and Climate Change Policy as well as the internationally agreed commitments to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). BFP’s sustainable development priorities are annually monitored through the environment and social impact assessment audits by third parties as well as well as internal monitoring and assessments to track progress. BFC carries out activities that are aligned with the company’s objectives to comply with the national policies, laws, and plans regarding (i) areas of social economic development, (ii) conservation of the environment, and (iii) the production and supply of wood products. These activities also help meet the strategic objective of the Ugandan forest policy of promoting private sector involvement in forest management for increased the sector contribution to the national economy.


USD(Cents) 2.3 per kg

Serial number 14158-560494337-560594678-VCS-VCU-259-VER-UG-14-799-01122016-01012020-0
Applicable tax rate 0 %
Availability 27,620,632.00 kg(s)