  • Mineralization
  • Cartersville, Georgia
  • United States
Project Details
Registry Name
  • Verra
Registry Link
  • -


CO2 Utilization in Concrete - Removals & Reductions - CarbonCure - U.S. Project #1

CarbonCure takes CO2 captured from other industrial processes and injects it into concrete, creating a calcium carbonate mineral that lasts more than 1000 years.

CarbonCure has developed a technology that takes waste CO2 as feedstock and injects precise doses into concrete during mixing. Once injected, the CO2 mineralizes, becoming ‘rock’, improving the concrete’s physical characteristics like compressive strength, while it also becomes permanent embedded into the concrete structure itself. The mineralization of CO2 into concrete follows Verra’s VM0043 Methodology for CO2 Utilization in Concrete Production and is rated to last millennia, making it one of the most permanent CO2 removal technologies available today. Even if the concrete is demolished, mineralized CO2 remains a part of the concrete ‘rock’ and as such will not leak or return to the atmosphere. From the point of capture through mineralization, CarbonCure can trace the location of each CO2 molecule injected into concrete mix. Additional benefits to using CarbonCure include reducing the carbon intensity ingredients needed in cement, reducing the amount of cement needed to create concrete, and reducing the amount of energy needed to create concrete.


USD(Cents) 28.75 per kg

Serial number
Applicable tax rate 0 %
Provider CarbonCure
Availability 193,048.00 kg(s)