  • Biomass
  • Kountze,
  • United States of America
Project Details
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CSI - Hardin 2023

CSI sequesters carbon by burying wood debris to in anaerobic conditions to prevent decomposition.

--- **Project Highlights** - Hardin site's geotechnical features support anaerobic conditions, stable hydrology, and approved carbon feedstocks. - Clay from the Lissie Formation provides an impermeable 6'-15' cap, preventing water infiltration. - Operational efficiency, meticulous record-keeping, and transparency simplify auditing and inspections. **Project Description** Our Hardin site is strategically chosen, considering geotechnical, soil, hydrological, and sourcing conditions. Ideal for anaerobic processes, stable hydrology, and abundant approved wood debris, it features clay from the Lissie Formation, a heavy, plastic clay with low hydraulic conductivity, allowing burial up to 25' deep. Efficiency, durability, and transparency are paramount. Meticulous record-keeping streamlines auditing, wood handling, carbon verification, and emissions testing. A dedicated team, skilled in timber operations, ensures efficient excavation, burial, reduced emissions, and increased biomass density. Pioneering a gas collection system, we monitor gas offtake from biomass decomposition, including gas and moisture levels within the clay cap. This system contributes to operational optimization and environmental monitoring. Our Hardin site is more than a burial ground; it's a testament to responsible carbon management, where efficiency, transparency, and sustainable practices converge for impactful carbon sequestration.


USD(Cents) 16.1 per kg

Serial number --
Applicable tax rate 0 %
Availability 1,900,000.00 kg(s)