  • Avoided Deforestation
  • Lábrea, Amazonas
  • Brazil
Project Details
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  • Verra
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  • BBB - BeZero Carbon Rating

Avoided Deforestation

Fortaleza Ituxi Redd Project

The Fortaleza Ituxi REDD+ Project protects forests located in one of the regions with the highest rate of deforestation in the Amazon Biome: the municipality of Labrea.

The Fortaleza Ituxi REDD Project aims at protecting forests located in one of the regions having the highest deforestation rate in the Amazon Biome: the municipality of Lábrea. The South of the municipality of Lábrea has already been reached by the “Arc of Deforestation." For the last 10 years, Lábrea has been one of the most deforested municipalities in the Amazon. Beside the damage caused to natural ecosystems, the land-use changes have provoked severe social conflicts through processes of land-grabbing and installation of agriculture and cattle ranching activities, contributing to expulsion of family-scale forest extractives from that region. In the Lábrea region, the deforestation pressure originates in the neighbouring States of Acre and Rondônia. These States have already undergone intense deforestation processes in the past, mainly due to the expansion of agriculture and cattle ranching. According to Vitel (2009), the deforestation in Lábrea is highly related to the proximity of roads: the increase in deforestation rate observed in recent years is mainly attributed to the “Jequitibá” and “do Boi” (or “do Baiano”) Roads. The “do Boi” Road (Ramal do Boi), is about 100 km long and reaches the “Ituxi” waterfalls, which are located inside the Project Area (“Fazenda Nossa Senhora das Cachoeiras do Ituxi”). In the specific case of the Project Area (“Fazenda Nossa Senhora das Cachoeiras do Ituxi”), professional land-grabbers, and even politicians have already organized illegal occupation that has been denounced by the landowner and controlled by authorities. Under deforestation pressure and financial difficulties in activities in the Project Area, farm sale to private investors is considered the most plausible baseline scenario. In recent years, Project Area landowner has already been approached to sell the farm (some offers are documented). In this scenario, the regional BAU is probably the most plausible future scenario (deforestation above Brazilian Forest Code limits for implementation of cattle ranching). With project activity approval, the landowner intends to improve the mechanisms of surveillance inside the Project Area, as well as implement activities that will result in climate, community and biodiversity benefits. The project area holds sustainable forest management activities, which also help to maintain the areas under supervision of the farm staff. The harvest activities are predominantly carried out by clients, who possess all equipment and personnel needed to perform low-impact logging/harvesting activities.


USD(Cents) 1.38 per kg

Serial number
Applicable tax rate 0 %
Provider Fortaleza Ituxi
Availability 52,556,891.00 kg(s)