  • Enhanced Weathering
  • Piracicaba, Sao Paulo
  • Brazil
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Enhanced Weathering

Rock powder application for permanent CO2 removal and sustainable production of local sugarcane-based biofuel

Remove CO2 permanently and support Brazilian sugarcane farmers' use of rock powder as a natural fertilizer, thereby incentivizing a more sustainable form of agriculture.

**Sugarcane-based biofuels** For this project, we have spread 10.000 tons of rock powder on a total area comprising 1.000 hectares of agricultural lands, leading to a total sequestration of 2.000tCO2. The crop involved in this project is sugarcane, which is farmed intensively in Brazil. Around half of it is used for the production of sugar, one of Brazil’s main export products. The other half is used for the production of ethanol for biofuels, mostly for domestic consumption. The biofuel industry has become very important in Brazil over the last decades, mainly due to rising oil and thus gasoline prices since the 70s. Since then, the Brazilian government has successfully supported the production of ethanol based on sugarcane through its economic policy. Currently, Brazil produces 30% of the world’s ethanol, and it constitutes 7% of its national energy consumption. Aside from the large price benefit that the cheaper biofuel offers to Brazilians (around two-thirds of gasoline prices), the substitution of gasoline comes with great environmental benefits. A study showed that the expansion of sugarcane-based biofuels in Brazil could replace 14% of its oil consumption and result in a CO2 emission reduction of up to 6% by 2045. **How can rock powder remove carbon?** The weathering of silicate rocks naturally consumes CO2, a process that regulates the global carbon cycle and the earth's climate. This regulation occurs due to the consumption of CO2 during the dissolution of silicate rocks, a reaction that produces bicarbonate ions. The bicarbonate ions are washed out into rivers and oceans, where they eventually accumulate as carbon-rich sediment, remaining stable for thousands of years. Naturally, silicate rock weathering is too slow to counteract the current CO2 emission rates. Enhanced Rock Weathering accelerates this natural process by grinding the rocks and applying them onto soils, which exposes more surface area of the rocks to ensure faster weathering and enhance their carbon sequestration potential. The fact that the sequestered CO2 is stored in the form of bicarbonates in terrestrial waters and oceans instead of as soil carbon, decreases the risk of reversal and increases the durability of the carbon removal. This makes Enhanced Rock Weathering a nature-based CDR solution with the highest level of permanence. **Enhanced Rock Weathering on heavily degraded soils** Besides, the rock powder serves as a natural enhancer for the agricultural soils where it is spread. The minerals in the rock increase pH levels and microbiological activity, whereby they restore soils and increase crop health. The co-benefits of Enhanced Rock Weathering lie in its capacity to reduce chemical fertilizer use and improve agricultural yields, thereby benefiting the economic situation of farmers and their communities. The use of residual rock powder from existing mines stimulates a market for locally produced natural fertilizer, while its application on agricultural lands supports sustainable farming practices. InPlanet focuses its operations on the tropics, where the warm and moist climate accelerates weathering and the heavily degraded soils benefit greatly from the minerals in the rock powder. **Pioneering tropical Enhanced Rock Weathering while tapping into Brazil's great potential** InPlanet's entry market is Brazil, a country that has great potential for Enhanced Rock Weathering as it is one of the biggest agricultural producers in the world with a significant mining industry. Brazil has a long history of research related to the use of rock powders in agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture has developed an instructive norm to certify rock powders as remineralizers, which assesses their safety for application, and their benefits to soils. However, the market remains far behind its potential as incentives for the mass adoption of rock powder fertilization are missing. Until now, scientists have focused on agronomic benefits and almost no research has been conducted about its carbon sequestration potential. InPlanet is tackling this knowledge gap and aims to create the missing incentives for its mass adoption by acting as the pioneers and catalysts for Enhanced Rock Weathering carbon credits, initially in Brazil and later in the global tropics. InPlanet's efforts are focused on understanding the particularities of tropical soils (low pH, silica depletion, low orgC content), interacting with a range of rock powders and weathering accelerators (fungi, bacteria, biochar, and organic composts). The goal is to develop the most comprehensive model for tropical rock weathering projects, considering not only the full project life cycle, rock powder type, soil conditions and climate but also the type of crop and management system the rock powder is applied to. Thereby, InPlanet predicts and validates the weathering potential with high precision. All calculations are cross-checked with measurements from the field as well as high-tech field monitoring stations (FMS) in various university locations. They create a synergy between miners and farmers, adding value to mining materials otherwise considered waste, and providing an alternative to expensive conventional agrochemical inputs to farmers. **Summary:** InPlanet implements Enhanced Rock Weathering in the tropics where climatic, soil, and socio-economic conditions are particularly favorable. They offer the most comprehensive, full-stack solution for project planning, implementation, and verification through their software platform that connects farmers and mines with the global carbon market. Rigorous MRV is achieved by a combination of field-covering soil sampling with high-tech field monitoring stations.


USD(Cents) 23 per kg

Serial number
Applicable tax rate 0 %
Provider InPlanet Enhanced Weathering
Availability 99,895.00 kg(s)